How to fix Credit card Error for Kickstarter?
You are surfing Kickstarter and you come across and awesome product. You back the product and wait for the campaign to end. And then you open your mail to find that your payment was declined. What can be more frustrating?
There are lots of articles on what can go wrong with Kickstarter payment. But we thought to make it as simple as ABC. So, don't fret if your credit card was declined by Kickstarter or your payment didn't go through.
You just have a 7-day window after the campaign ends to make the payment. Backers are dropped after 7 days if the Kickstarter payment fails.
So, follow this simple step-by-step guide to fix Kickstarter payment error.
Step 1 - Log in to your Kickstarter account.
Step 2 - You'll see an error message regarding the failed payment at the top of the page. Click on the Fix Payment button.
Step 3 - Click on the Retry your payment button to change card information.
Step 4 - Click on the Add new card button to add another card.
Step 5 - Add the card details and save the information.
We hope this article helps in solving the credit card error on Kickstarter.
Keep Backing! :)